Archive for September, 2010


今天陪Kerry 接触新生


眼前熙来攘往的新生 有中国 有泰国 有越南 有日本 有马来西亚

个个身光颈亮 手持iphone 肩携LV Gucci Marc Jacob 坐在咖啡厅喝咖啡 用着Mac Pro Book

我的天空呀~ 撇开名牌不说 我来了这么久 这个月头喝的Starbuck还是我在英国的第一杯咖啡呐~


看着大家的名牌包 心里蠢蠢欲动 心在动的同时 Terry路过我的思绪

啊~~ 是啊。。。若想成圣 想一想我家Terry 保证什么购物欲 什么名牌欲 全部逃光光 Continue reading


记忆里好像每当这时候都与平时一样 有时候还可以生龙活虎到健身房去
不懂是熬夜熬坏了 还是来到英国没顾好身子 也可能是老了
在这几个月里每到这个时候 脊椎越来越不中用 特别是腰部 酸到要掉我半条命
今晚在工作时 一度酸到我停下来做不了事 忍不住在心里怒骂这不中用的骨头

Outreach – Day 5

Today’s devotion: Christian maturity.
I am sorry to say that I cant really remember what’s today devotion content is about as my mind is filled with the conversation that I have got with sis before I go to the team devotion. A statement is keep appearing in my mind "The best is not what I want, what I want is not the best." Father God, help me please~
Apart from what I have heard from sis in the morning, this afternoon wasnt a pleasant day for me either. Sorry but I have decided to keep the reason for myself in order to minimize the negative energy being transmitted to the world from me.
再怎么样 我始终是羊群中的黑绵羊 怎么溶也融不进 我始终不属于这里
忽然 心灵换季到了冬天呐~

Outreach – Day 4

Today’s devotion: True happiness is found in Christ alone. Christ is the centre of happiness.
I can tell that in this stressful and competitive society, most of the humans LOOK happy from the outside but not from the inside.
Are you living in a "always winter but never christmas" world?
sit back and reflect, you will find that God is faithful in His promise where this is the source of true happiness.
Father God, when others are still looking for true happiness from pint glass, drugs, money and all the earthly thingy but i found true happiness in You alone. Father, i thank You for giving me the hope and joy in my life and i pray for those who are yet still struggling in the darkness. Father, i pray that You draw them to You and to seek for true happiness in You by Your own way and timing. I pray also for those who are already hunger for Your words, Lord, I pray that You deepen their curiousity in You and they shall found You as You have promised – He who seek shall find. Let Your will be done. Amen.
sorry for the bad quality of sound but check out the words appeared throughout the MV and think about them.
This evening while I am chatting with a French girl, suddenly a sense of tiredness attacked my mind, a sense of feeling sick for asking/chatting at the same thing to the different students and I suppose that some of them may feel sick of answering the same question for not less than 100times. keep telling myself to keep talking and thanks God for sustaining me throughout the whole evening as I still can manage to have a good chat with few of students from different country. Before end the evening, an old lady walked in and grab herself cup of tea and few scornes. she has been live in Belfast for yearS, she is no longer a student but yea, she is an international people – from Iraq. Not knowing why is she attending to the international students welcoming events while she doesnt seem to be qualified to attend but I know that God got His purpose for this. Have a wee chat with her and found out that she is open to chat about God. Later in the evening, heard from one of the church youth worker said that this lady actually appear in the church quite often, she knows about God and just lack of the very last bit for her to become a christian.
Sometimes, people go to the church just for food, for own interest rather than for God sake but human’s heart is not a thing that we as a human can control or change. All we can do is to show them L.O.V.E, give as what we can afford and let God take care the rest which we cannot do. (supported by J.Ma Smile with tongue out )
Pray to God for this very last bit and as well give me more conversation to talk about with the students. Time’s up for NICE sleep.
P.S. "always winter but never christmas" – quoted from Narnia 

Outreach – Day 3

Today’s devotion: Words of God – Gospel, is not only for the sake of salvation but as well shows the pattern of life that we should live with.
It’s kind like ironic that when we are having our devotion, sharing God’s words together at the third floor and at the same time, the pub, the club, the so and so are promoting their pub, their club, their so and so down at the ground floor with loud rocking music, sexy girls, showing half of their boobs and butt, offering free hugs, like they dont value their own body. There is a guy was shouting words that are "orally" abusive to the ladies through mic. There are students came back to us and said that whenever they walked down from our cafe to the ground floor, they get so shocked on how the girls dress up and their attitude are totally different than what they have just seen few seconds ago at the third floor.
We thanks God for making us different from others and as well thanks God for showing the students that we are different from others. At the same time, I pray for this community and this land. Lord, the gospel is not only for us as a christian, not only for the students who come to approach us but is for eveyone who got the breath on this earth. I pray for Your mercy to the girls, to the guy and to everyone else that Lord, You give them the equal opportunity to get to know you and listen to Your Gospel at Your own timing. Amen.
you may said that I am OVER ambitious for just having a thought of to plant the seed in these people but well, for your information, our heavenly father is an EXPERT in performing something that seem to be ridiculous and impossible. so, when there seem like nothing that we, as a human can do, we just need to remember P.U.S.H.
This joyful song have been playing in my mind for the whole night.
As for my day, yea~ I had have a GREAT morning and evening and I am looking forward for MORE EXCITING evening tomorrow.
this morning after the alarm buzzed into my ears, it followed by the rain dripping sound.
due to the shopping trip that I have agreed with the Italian girl last night, I was like "Oh no~ God, I need a better weather, not to say a sunny day as I dont mind to have a gloomy day but at least give me a rain-less day."
put on my hoodies and walk to student union with a hope that the girl wont change her mind cause of the wet day but somehow, she turned up. Oh~ thanks God.
while on our way to the city, I handed my handmade cheese-ham sandwich to her and she was kind of surprised on how do I know that she didnt have her breakfast. well, all I can tell is that this is the combination of a wee bit of common sense plus inspiration from Holy Spirit. ngom ngom ngom~ she is enjoying the breakfast and I am glad that I make the sandwich last minute before step out the house and brought her the sandwich. thanks and sorry to my housemates for all the ingredients belong to my housemates and I just use it without asking for permission. can see that we got a lot of similiarities while doing the shopping especially the style of everything go for the cheapest but she is a wee bit more serious than me where at least I wont go for cheapest skin care products. after I walked her back to her house, she give me an italian style of goodbye kiss and hug. we have a great shopping trip without a single drop of rain. this is just so A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!
another exciting thing of the day was during the cafe in the evening, I got to meet with a girl from china and from the conversation, realised that she is the kind want to make friends with local people instead of mixing around with people from the same country and one of the topic that she is interested is about GOD so that she can has one more topic to talk about with the local people. THIS IS SO AMAZING!! God always got His way to get people to come to know Him. We had have a great chat throughout the night and I manage to share some of my story with her, how God have changed my life, how amazing God is so and so. At the end of the conversation, in order not to freak her off,  I just told her that I am not trying to converting her but God is just so amazing and this is TOO G.O.O.D not to share. not knowing what will turn out to be but know that God has His own plan for each and everyone of us. though the intention in want to know more about God is not quite right but well, God got His own timing and He know the plan for everyone, all we need to do is just to plant the seed in their heart and God will water them.
At the beginning of this welcome week, the welcome meal, the shopping trips, have been dealing with all kind of international students but when I sit down and reflected what I have been doing all these while, I was kind like lost, lost the direction and get confused with purpose of doing all these stuff as I realised that I didnt even mention a single word about christianity or church to any students all these while. I thought that I am serving God in this way but feel like there is nothing related to God with all I have done. I kneel, I pray and God answer. I got the chance to talk about Him for the whole day and now, while writing this blog, I suddenly recalled the principle of this organization, "to build genuine friendship with the international students and to help them in all possible way" with the friendship, we can introduce our dearly friend – Jesus to them. oh yea~ finally i got back on the direction and make things clear.
anyway, God got His own timing and His time is always right for us and now it’s the time for me to get a NICE shower and get a NICE sleep and looking forward for another NICE day. weeee~~~
P.S. read the prayer from the previous blog, you will find how God amazing-ly answered my prayer. ^^

Outreach – Day 2

Though I wasnt make it to go to bed before 12 the night before, but I am please that finally I can wake up without the annoyed alarm buzzing into my ears.
It is just so great to sleep until you get up by yourself.
Today’s devotion:Love is selflessness.
genuinely concern and love not only your family, your friends or someone that you know but also the stranger.
The uniqueness of being a christian: Love, humility, forgiveness, perseverence, joy, hope and faith.
Havent got the chance to develop a deeper conversation with the students since yesterday and the prayer for the day is Lord, help me in developing a genuine friendship with the "someone" and yes, this evening I have got a chance to meet with an Italian girl who has just settled herself into a private accomodation today and she hasnt got all the basic stuff such as toiletry, pantry such and such. She get herself a private accomodation and asking for store which possibly got the cheapest price for the things on her shopping list. She reminded me of myself at the time when I just reach in Belfast a year ago. At first, I was like drawing the city map to show her where she can get cheaper stuff and after a second or two, a thought of bringing her personally instead of showing her with my poor drawing come across my mind. so, eventually I offered to bring her to walk around the city and she is delightful with this offer.
Thanks God for bringing the someone to me and now, I pray that God, You put the right words into my mouth so that I can speak the right thing in this cross culture communication. As well, I pray that God, You give me a better sense of direction so that I wont bring her to Holland of Belfast. The most important thing is that Lord, I pray that You give me a nice sunny day. Lord, I commit the day to You. Let Your will be done. Amen.
Have a NICE shower, NICE sleep and looking forward for a NICE Day 3.
Let’s call it a day.

Outreach – Day 1

上班到一点匆匆忙忙赶去集合 少许的迟到 所以错过与大家一起敬拜的时间
原本星期四也有班 但老板取消了 不懂是该感恩让我不用到处奔波 还是该伤心少了六小时的工钱
神对我说: 我是耶和华以勒 我是供应所需的神
对! 我当该感恩 凡事为神而行 神必定供应 不止充充足足且是有余
outreach的第一天 有何感想??
感想很多 有好的 有不好的
好的 是可以与一帮爱神的人一起祷告 一起动工 一起捕鱼 莫名兴奋 抱着很大的期许
灵修得着:跪下祷告 起来动工
"But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it." – Genesis 19:22 
God is driving us, but we have to make the moves. If we dont move, there is no way that God can work in us.
不好的 是。。。。。 可是有些事我只想要对祂说 不说了

Hear the Call of the Kingdom

Message that I have got from the outreach team training:
"But what does it matter?" – Philipians 1:18 
Time is TOO short, yet stage is TOO high..
what does it matter to suffer for eternity? for the interest of others?

YouTube – Hear the Call of the Kingdom

Pray for bigger capacity in listening to God’s whisper.
Answer the call whenever there’s a ring.
go gO GO.. Rangers of God.. Fishing for fisheS!!

秋天来临之歌 之 加到非常之长版

顶着重重的头在雨中 上下车为新生们开关车门 帮手把他们大包小包的战利品扛到宿舍
宛如载送小学生的司机 还蛮乐在其中
站在雨中 呼出了打从夏天开始就没见的第一口烟
看着从口里出来的烟 抬头看着雨水落下来
ah~ 秋天到了…
话说 前两天神给了我一个300人的舞台
不认识我的人说我很冷酷 认识我的人说我是“肖马”(福建话)
从来与害羞沾不上一点边 但其实我是害羞的 (心虚。。。。)
不是害羞啦 只是对自己口里说出来的话没什么信心
所以很常同学问我课业 我只说不是很懂 因为怕误人子弟
结果考到好成绩 就被人说我是有心机 不想教
前不久 与老板讨论实验的结果 说了我做的东西
结果老板提高声量说了 "what??!! you did it??!!"  我立刻低下头然后对他说不确定
随后 到实验室一查 确实是做了 开始纳闷 何以明明确定的事 被这么一喊就什么都不确定了
我的信心嘞~?? 信心嘞~~?? 信心去了哪里~??
话说回那300人的舞台 其实是国际新生迎新晚宴
Kerry为了避免无聊 所以把我放上台 虽然只是短短的5分钟或更短 但面对的是世界各地的人 足于把我的耳朵紧张到烧了
晚宴后朋友走过来说表现很好很镇定 Kerry外加一句她真的很棒因为我是刚刚宴会要开始时才告诉她我会把她摆上台
原来我的紧张隐藏度可以如此高 或许因虽然耳朵紧张但心里有平安 所以自然表现不出紧张
事后忘了是谁提起此事 没经大脑很顺口的说“全因为神”
话一出口 脑里起了反应 感恩飘来飘去
对厚~ 面对300人 外加没有mic全靠肺活量 再加白的黄的黑的什么人都有的听众 能镇定地把话讲完 还真是神才有办法做到的事
也谢谢Kerry给我这样的机会 可以看见Kerry很用心的要栽培我 不断给我机会尝试
接下来还有更多的事项要办 最近的是明天崇拜后的outreach team training
从忙完论文后 餐厅老板给更多小时且冬天到了个个跑来吃辣食取暖 这两天回到家已是12时的事了
忙工作 忙迎新 没机会好好休息 能壮如牛的活到现在在这里写部落 还真的是靠神的力量呐~
现在又是凌晨2时 原本只想写个秋天来临之歌 结果被我写成加长版 且是加到非常之长版
我还真是啊~!!! 这次论文写完了 维煌应该没东西讲了吧~ 哈哈
我要12时前睡然后睡到自然醒~!!!!! 啊~~~!!!! (歇斯底里呐喊….)
被摆上台后 好像全世界都认得我 走到那里 大家都说恭喜你论文交完了
最搞笑的莫过于帮了一个不认识的新生后 他喊我的名谢谢我
因为不记得有跟他交流过 一开始愣了一下 后来他对我说他有在晚宴里 所以认得我
看来大家还真的有用心的听 不只是来骗个晚餐吃
说到好笑的地方 全场笑开 说到homesick 全场给我来个忧伤的"awww~”


天父老爸 我期待有更大的事~~ 但在那之前 我更期待有更多的睡眠时间 我要睡到自然醒!!


呼喝~!!!! 呼喝~!!! 终于大功告成~!!!
已经不记得最后一次安安心心 舒舒服服的睡觉去时什么时候的事 够大功了吧~
话说 这还是有史以来 第一次自己完成一份报告
之前TARC都是这个借那个抄 连FYP都是朋友在帮我看我在睡觉 (省思中….)
个人认为这次的报告 把我原本耐50年的肝消耗剩40年 咖啡当水喝 每夜写到在坐在沙发上手放键盘上不小心睡着
话说 写这篇部落的重点是十分钟前的presentation
整个超级轻松 没有严谨的formal wear 只把散乱的头发塞一塞耳后hoodies 牛仔裤 平底休闲鞋
两个老板有说有笑 一个咬铅笔 一个转铅笔 比较像是在讨论多于presentation
不过 他们应该会听到耳朵流汗吧 因为就连我这个说的人自己都听到很累 我的英文发音也太monotone了
present之后 我谢谢他们的时间 他们比我多说两次的谢谢我的presentation 这还不打紧
问了问题 还因为我不会回答而道歉 外加解释说 若日后找工应征这些会是可能性的问题
我说 这里的教育制度也太客气了吧
不过不懂会否给个笑里藏刀 背后捅一刀让我学不成归国
今天也意识到了 其实高学位读的不仅仅是知识 更是个人的分析想法
以前在TARC的FYP 做的是机器人啦 会吸地的机器车啦等等等
会做工的机器人 机器车看似很厉害 只要这些东西会动 就算成功 你就可以拿高分
这次作的研究 没有所谓成功的结果 只有没完没了地研究
第一老板说 undergraduate student与postgraduate student差在
under的学生只须把东西用出来 但postgrad的学生不只要用出来更是要分析何以结果是这样那样
曾经与我那个超级可爱的lab老板聊天 他问说要不要读PhD 我说PhD能干嘛 只能做研究员或教课
他说 做什么都可以 PhD不只是意表你高学位 同时也让人看到你的分析能力 你有不一样的想法
今天的presentation之后 我猛点头举手举脚赞成
讨论了五分钟外加要我放大我的slide看看那个点落在什么厚度上 纳闷何以会有一个不在线上的点
anyway… 我要高唱在沐恩堂学的歌
I am free to run I am free to dance I am free to live for You
I am free (*呐喊*)
YES I am free
I am free!!!!! (*呐喊加两级*)
C’mon 跟我一起唱~!!!呼喝!!! 呼喝!!!
感觉我像坚牢里放出来的肖婆 哈哈
肖够了 该要回去把老板要我加的东西写完 很够力吧 到现在还不放过要我在报告里加东西
P.S. 我现在人在图书馆